Bulletin Board Jihadists

3498 days ago

Continuing to fight fraud and lies on AIM and the LSE: This Weekend: Tern, Worthington, EFH and the non-illegal immigrants – please help!

This weekend on ShareProphets we have yet more revelations on Tern, on the Equities First scandal involving Quindell, Igas and others and also on Worthington. This comes at a cost to us, the smear campaign has accelerated with unfounded claims that we employ illegal immigrants and with Worthington making defamatory statements about Tom Winnifrith. More on that shortly! However..

We continue to see the Bulletin Board jihadists attempt to deny us revenues both at The Free Speech & Liberty Pizza House with the smears and also with one loon trying to block our phone line with 50 phone calls a day and also by tryng to persuade advertisers to drop as  - as we saw with the morons  lied to Etihad airlines in order to persuade it not to advertise on ShareProphets.

Those who seek to put us out of business are not now hiding behind claims that it is because I use bad language. It is an pen battle against myself, Nigel, Ben and others because we expose fraud.

We want to continue that fight and indeed to step it up – as Worthington will find out very shortly –and so again we ask for your help. So:


3508 days ago

Show Your Support for Free Speech – Buy the T-Shirt

Yesterday one Bulletin Board Jihadist spent the entire afternoon ringing up the Free Speech & Liberty Pizza House and then breathing heavily or just making no noise down the line until our staff hung up. Then he called again. Is this a threat or just to block bookings I do not know but his number is now being traced. And so the war goes on between the free speech deniers and ourselves. If you support us – buy the T-shirt that says so!

The shirts can be bought in a range of colours as T-shirts or sweatshirts. For immediate delivery you can order HERE


3515 days ago

The PLC Roll of Shame – Qui n’est ce pas Charlie

First the Bulletin Board jihadists tried to silence myself and this website with death threats. That failed. Then they tried to get ADVFN to stop working in partnership with us. That failed. Then there was an attempt to put our restaurant out of business with bogus reviews. That failed. Then they tried to bully speakers to pull out of UK Investor Show. That failed. And so now the jihadists are trying to persuade companies to stop advertising with us. And some PLCs are caving.


3517 days ago

Do you support ShareProphets Investigative campaigns against AIM Fraud?

Yesterday we learned that the Bulletin Board jihadists had lied to Etihad airlines in order to persuade it not to advertise on this website. It joins Tesco, Waitrose and John Lewis in caving in to the free speech deniers. Speakers at UK Investor Show have also been pressured into pulling out by those who do not support a free press. We will not back down but ask for your support.

Those who seek to put us out of business claim that it is because I use “colourful language” but there are plenty of websites that use far more colourful prose. Only this operation is being targeted. I could pledge to never swear again but that would make no difference. As it happens I make no pledge. I alone choose what and how I write. The reality is that I am under attack and this website as well as the restaurant are under attack not for how I write but because of what I write. For what I expose.

Just today I think we have claimed another scalp as crony capitalist Steve Berry has been forced off the board of the respectable 1Spatial PLC because of what we have revealed about his shocking activities at Touchstone Gold.  That is the 4th scalp of the year to date (Naibu, Pressfit and Beacon Hill). There are more to come.
